Saturday 13 October 2007


I thought this would be worth reading for all of you interested in taking weight loss pills.

Are you struggling with weight loss? If diet and exercise have left you scratching your head, have you considered weight loss pills to help you lose weight?You are not alone. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey reported that nearly two thirds of Americans are overweight. Many of these overweight people turn to weight loss pills to help them battle the bulge.Being overweight is a risk factor for many chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and certain cancers. It also has detrimental effects on self-esteem and confidence. For these many reasons, you may consider weight loss pills to help you lose weight.If you have tried conventional methods for weight loss, you may find weight loss pills very tempting. When considering weight loss pills, the old adage of 'buyer beware' holds true. Be sure to avoid products that make outrageous claims. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Some exceptions would be "pure form" weight loss pills that have been clinically proven such as Ephedra. In fact, the Ephedra ban was lifted in April of this year and is now available to the public once again at www.EphedraEnergy.comConsider the following questions when evaluating the many weight loss pills available:·Can I access clinical research on the weight loss pills? ·How much weight do you want to lose and how fast? ·What are the side effects of the weight loss pills? ·Should I go the all natural route or take a prescription? ·How long can weight loss pills safely be taken?Consult your Doctor about weight loss pills and discuss the following:·Your complete medical history ·Ask for a medical examination ·Discuss your weight loss options, including weight loss pills ·Ask about the side effects of weight loss pills ·Arrange a follow-up appointment if you choose to take weight loss pillsIf you've decided that weight loss pills are right for you, follow these safety measures:·Take the weight loss pills exactly as noted on the label ·Follow a healthy eating and exercise program ·If you experience side effects, inform your doctor ·Visit your doctor after taking weight loss pills the first month to assess it's progress ·If the weight loss pills aren't working - stop taking them!Following the steps above should help you make an informed decision regarding the right weight loss pill for your body type and desired results. The first real step in any weight loss program starts first with the conscious decision to do something about it. For more information about weight loss, diet supplements, and regulatory changes concerning Ephedra, visit
Todd Brenner is currently the Executive Vice President of Fitness By Design. He serves on the board for A Healthier America and has 18 years of nutritional experience and natural healing. He holds a Masters in Business from University of Louisville.

If you are looking for alternative means of loosing weight,visit fatburn.

Wednesday 12 September 2007

2 Key weight loss tips for a person with weight problems.

Modern technology has made it very easy to put on weight. A lot of activities that was done in the past that went a long way to help us maintain our weight have been simplified by modern technology. Simple activities like walking to change the channel of the television, climbing the stairs in the shopping centre, and other simple everyday activities have all been changed by modern technology. This has led to the obesity crisis of this generation.
One of the simple ways of losing weight is simply walking. People take walking for granted but if you make up your mind to walk long distances at least three times a week, which will help you burn some amount of fat every week. Walking is a physical activity that involves the natural movements of the body. You use muscles in the leg and arms as well as muscles in the upper body for this activity. This is an activity that can easily be inculcated into your daily activities. For example you can get off the bus at a long distance from your work place so that you walk the rest of the distance to work. If you work from home, then you can always try to use the long way round when going to another part of the house. You can also decide to manually change the channels of the television instead of using the remote control. There are a number of ways you can think off that can help you make walking part of your daily activity.
Another way is to do power walking. This involves walking very fast, pushing your leg muscles to work very hard. This is best done on a path way or on a field where you will be able to avoid all distractions. This activity is also easy to do especially for people who have a very high body mass index and those who find it difficult to jog. This activity can cause you to sweat. When you start sweating, that is an indication of the fact that you are working hard and therefore continue with power walking. You can even set yourself a target distance increasing it week after week. As you keep doing this, you will start enjoying it and before you would realise, you have lost weight. The advantage of this is that it does not cause any body injuries and can be done anywhere.
In fact any activity that involves movement of the body done continuously for a long time such that you sweat profusely will go a long way to help towards loosing weight.
The above activities are very good for some one who is already obese or is a couch potato. This is because your body does not burn fat fast and therefore this method pushes the body to do so. However, if you are already an athlete, then your body is used to burning fat very quickly so this will not help you unless you do more strenuous activities like running or jogging.
The writer is a Pastor, a successful entrepreneur and a freelance writer. He is the webmaster for . You can visit there for more information on weight loss.

Find me on MySpace and be my friend!

Tuesday 4 September 2007

How to loose weight fast

Women normally put on weight after child birth. Men tend to develop the beer belly after a few years and there is the increasing pressure from society for both these people to loose weight as soon as possible. With men at times it becomes part of the pressure to impress the opposite sex or at times part of the mid life crisis. Children also have an increasing pressure to lose weight due to the media’s hammering of the obesity problem of this generation. So you find out that mothers and daughters as well as fathers and sons go on weight loss programs.

There are a number of programs available to help people loose weight. There are the diet pills, which many use as a short cut for the lack of time to exercise and diet; there is the diet weight loss program, and some also use food supplements in their desire to loose weight. Then we all know of the old way which is to burn the calories we take in by exercising.

There are no hard and fast rules about weight loss programs. However, any program that is extra fast and does not allow the body to loose weight naturally or gradually may have an adverse side effect. This may not allow the body to shed the extra pounds naturally and therefore the skin may not contract as the fat is lost from the body. This may lead to saggy parts of the body hanging around you. Or you may be forced to do plastic surgery which may lead to your body looking like it’s been patched. If you are not careful you may experience early ageing.

Each weight loss program has got its pros and cons however we all can agree that the human body should not be forced to loose weight faster than what naturally comes to it. Therefore if we watch what we eat, say low calorie diets, and then have regular exercises, and then we will naturally allow the body to loose weight.

For exercising, we cannot afford not to do it. There are several exercise programs available so you can just get involved with one that you are comfortable with. I must say this must be done on a regular basis to have any effect so choose a time of the day that is very convenient for you. A time that you know you will be able to do those exercises everyday.

For the low calorie diets, I believe all of us agree that one major source of weight problems is overeating and that when we deal with this issue, that’s half of the work done. So follow a low fat diet, always avoid destructions when eating for example watching television whilst eating or being on the computer whilst eating. You may end up eating more than you want to as you are distracted. And that’s when the pounds begin to pile up. Also avoid foods like sweets, cakes, fast foods, and high calorie foods.

For more weight loss products and programs, weight-loss-info is the place to get all that you need.